Sunday, June 17, 2012

Worth A Thousand Smiles

20 Weeks
The halfway point in my pregnancy has been reached!  The baby is on the move and I continue to grow.  These past few weeks have been filled with thoughts, dreams and circumstances involving twins.  I’ve been bigger than normal and couldn’t help but think I had more than one in there and lots of other people thought the same thing.  So it was with much anticipation that I went to my first ultrasound.  The tech asked if I wanted to know the sex – “I just want to know how many are in there.” was my reply.  He assured me that I’m only having one – whew!  I was literally losing sleep over it.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than what is an ultrasound photo worth?  For many babies it can mean the difference between life and a horrible death.  Technology has changed everything in recent years and the Pro-Life movement is no exception.  An organization called Save The Storks is fighting for life not with protests, boycotts or words of judgment; no their approach is different.  This is their mission:  We seek to encourage every abortion-minded mother to choose life and to share with them the good news of Jesus.  By offering free ultrasounds to women on their way to abortions clinics they are saving lives one baby at a time.  Check out their website for more information.

Here are the first pictures of my own little miracle.  I've never had a 3-D ultrasound before.  They're my favorite for sure.  I can already see resemblances in the facial features.  I'm in LOVE!

Looking down on the baby in it's cramped position.

View from behind.

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  1. Wow, Dawn! Those 3D ultrasound pictures are amazing! I saw that little tummy sticking out today at church and was wondering how far along you are . . . but didn't get a chance to talk. :) Glad you're doing well.

  2. was there a particular reason the 3d ultrasound was done? neat pictures, though. hope all continues to go well.

  3. Thanks Shelly. I didn't ask to have the 3-D images, I guess it is just more standard now.
