Monday, July 8, 2013

Bradford County Holiday

Expensive Family Vacations are overrated.  For the price of a tank of gas in my Honda we had a wonderful time away this past weekend.  When you find yourself catching up with old friends at funerals (like I did way too many times last year) - it is time to update the social calendar.  I woke up one morning last January and said to Jeremy, "Let's visit the Binkley Family over the 4th of July."  Maybe I had a dream about them, I don't remember, but I contacted the family right away and made arrangements for a midsummer holiday at their guest cabin in Bradford County.  Mr. Binkley (formally known as Pastor Binkley) was our Youth Pastor once upon a time when Jeremy and I were teenagers enthralled with one another.  Our hearts sank in 2001 when he announced one Sunday morning that due to some health concerns for his wife, he would be leaving his position and seeking a "regular job".  Since then, we asked him to return to be a part of our wedding in 2003, but other than that our contact with the family has been sparse.  I couldn't wait to catch up with them around a campfire.   
Over the years I've asked myself, "Where have all the lighting bugs gone?"  When I was a kid not that long ago, those little critters used to light up an entire field on a summer night.  Now when my kids want to catch them in a jar they see one light up our yard and try to chase it in the dark.  But as we sat around the campfire Wednesday night I gazed upon a hypnotic display of blinking lights, it was so beautiful.  When I asked about the bountiful firefly population the response was simple, "They don't use pesticides around here."  Make sense to me.
Campfires, marshmallows, a trampoline, ATVs, walks and blueberry picking was how we spent our entire weekend.  No lines, no stores, no parking fees or hassles for several days - it was perfect.  Jonathan soon told me, "Mom, this is the best vacation ever!" 
I too thought it was a great time away.  We picked our own blueberries for only $2 a quart at Comfort Hill Acres Blueberry Farm.  We'll be having Blueberry Jam for sandwiches this winter.   
Daniel and I had lots of snuggle time on the swing.  While chatting outside one day, Jeremy noticed a head peek up out of the grass at us.  It was a lovely fawn just passing through.   


 Luke 5:16 says..."But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."  Because our time away was a family vacation, it wasn't lonely, but it was quiet.  God knows that we need to remove ourselves from the noise of life to focus upon Him. These peaceful opportunities allow me to reflect on the many blessings God has bestowed upon our little family.  He is good to us!  


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